Monthly Report
Zoning/Codes Officer
April 1 – April 30, 2013
Essex Town Board
Essex Planning Board
4/2/13 – Put together application materials for RENEW change of use app for the PB meeting and copied for board members. Communication with Chris at Dock Doctors re. Ierardi stair replacement project at the Crater Club/Lakeshore Road. Email building permit info to Bob Burley re. repairs at the Deli building on Main Street.
4/3/13 – Process application materials for Pink Pig signage and Brick Store window replacement and make copies for PB members. Meet with Gerry Spooner and Larry Smead re. window replacement project at the Brick Store. Meet with Mike Sherman of Bessboro Builders re. building permit application info and Site Plan Review process for exterior porch and stair changes at the Orber’s house (former Shirley Estus house) on Main Street by the Essex Shipyard. Meet with Pat Tivnan re. PB agenda and projects. Call Mike Christian re. two projects in Brookfield.
4/4/13 – Meet with Mike Christian re. cabin and mobile home projects. Need building permits and septic permits only. Meet with Mark Wilcox re. Hayward House condition and codes issues. Talk to Steve Engelhart at AARCH re. architectural training for PB. Planning Board meeting in pm.
4/5/13 – Talked to Stu Brody about his small accessory cabin on Jersey Street. APA NJ. No plumbing planned, under 500sf. Used for studio/guests. Larry Smead re. drainage at Essex Shipyard and need to clean up the wood debris and metal and fix the roof on the Burley’s small office building adjacent to the Essex Shipyard. Investigated complaint by Linda Coffin about the neighbor’s fence being too high and unsafe in high winds. Talked to Mike Hance about new site for his automotive business.
4/8/13 – Talked to Larry Smead and Gerry Spooner about brick store windows, interior changes, standing seam roof and historic brick chimney. Met with Emma re. same. Emailed PB about replacement of rear deck and a 5’ high split rail or board fence in the backyard at the Brick Store. Emailed Jori Wekin re. the process of obtaining a second development right for her property on Blockhouse Road. Talked to Ray at the Rudder Club about renewing his restaurant permit. Talked to Dave Scaglione about the permitting needed for new residence on the South Farm to be put up this summer/fall by the Patakis. Emailed Dave the APA JIF, Town building permit and septic permit apps, etc. 500’ abutters list for RENEW written up.
4/9/13 – Mark Hall and Supa-Flu contractor coming to Essex.
4/10/13 –Met with Mike Christian re. him putting in a mobile home for his son up at his property in Brookfield. No subdivision. He has plenty of building rights as he has 80+ acres in Rural Use which is 8.5 acres per principal residence so will maintain the allowable density in that area. Also wants to build a small cabin on his 9 acre lot on the Brookfield Road for his wife who has cancer. Off-the-grid. He needs to have the septic on both engineered and then get a building permit from me. Wrote a building permit to Gerry Spooner for the Brick Store project.
4/11/13 – Wrote a building permit to Bessboro Builders for the Orber House project on Main Street above the Essex Shipyard…interior work and demolition of existing rotten deck and stairs, vinyl siding and wet insulation. Will come to the May PB meeting with the new porch and stair project. Talked to Mike Christian re. getting an NJ from the APA on his two house projects in Brookfield and also the septics engineered on same. Met with Gerry Spooner and inspected the window casings at the Brick Store…in bad shape and cobbled up over time….need to replace. Recommended a mason to do the repointing/brickwork when new casings were installed.
4/12/13 – Met with Mike Pratt to put together a JIF to the APA on his house project on Alden Road. New house on same property as his existing house. No subdivision. Got deeds at the Clerk’s office re. same and materials from the PB files re. maps for visuals.
4/15/13 – Talked to Laurie Anderson re. a building permit for a deck at her house in Boquet. Photos of Linda Coffin’s fence to send to Jane Scarborough. Emails.
4/16/13 – Accessory use issue re. carriage barn at Drennan’s circulated to PB members. Home office, exercise room and 1/2 bath with no exterior changes…for personal use. No SPR needed, only a building permit. Inspection of garage apartment at South Farm with the Plumadores. 500′ abutters lists for Mary Hopkins re. public hearings at May meeting.
4/17/13 – Board report copied and emailed to TB and PB members. Emails. Site visit to Barbara Kunzi’s re. finish floor and stair railings, etc. Encroaching driveway complaint from Denise Wilson at Quarry Cottage…trucks and dust from Pribble’s road to the south of her house.
4/18/13 – DEC stopped work at Clint Allen’s re. Sheehan’s doing work on the beach too close to the lake…no permit from Town. CFES boundary line adjustment and C. of O. paperwork. PB meeting agenda. Processed and copied Orber deck project SPR application. Pataki house permitting docs to Dave Scaglione (hard copy.) Town Board meeting.
4/19/13 – CFES C. of O. issued after final inspection and walk-thru with Karen Judge. Ken Hughes SUP application reviewed and copied for PB. Agenda finalized for PB meeting. Pink Pig café idea discussed with Deb Shrodt. Deb suggested having trash cans in front of stores and at Beggs, town-supplied.
4/22/13- Site visit to Barbara Kunzi’s re. finish work on interior. Site visit to Klipper project and meeting with Gilbert Belzile to do an inspection. Reviewed stamped plans from Dock Doctors for Ierardi replacement stair project on Lakeshore Road. Site visit to Nancy Budd’s on Leaning Road. Tom Benway’s abandoned trailer on Leaning Road.
4/23/13 – Site visit to Jan Fortune’s on Albee Road. APA permit and Town permit re. Karin Keene’s farm in Whallonsburgh to Bill Baird emailed. Dock Doctors building permit application emailed to Chris. Filing.
4/24/13 – Worked with Deb Shrodt on application for May PB meeting for Pink Pig permit amendment for tables and serving pre-prepared light fare. Got copy of Health Dept permit re. same. PB agenda for May meeting updated. Ierardi permit for replacement stairs.
4/25/13 –Sick day.
4/26/13 – Meet with Jim re. PB agenda and completeness of applications. Reviewed old permit for Rudder Club…Boundary line adjustment and easement for egress for CFES conference addition. Pink Pig permit amendment. Review Zoning/Code Officer job description and comment. Sent Dock Doctors permit for Ierardi to Mike via mail and email.
4/29/13 – Meet with John and Miriam Klipper re. adding dormers to Estus House on Elm Street…needs either Site Plan Review or amendment to their existing PB permit. Talk to Denise Wilson re. noise and dust from adjacent driveway south of Quarry Cottage. Part of the driveway may be on her property…talk to John Pribble re. same. Fill out SUP application for Pink Pig food service. Talk to Mike Hance about too intense use at his residence on Walker Road for an automobile repair garage, etc. Suggest a new site for them to move to. Work on draft permits with Jim Van Hoven for May meeting (Pink Pig, Klipper, Rudder Club. Copied all application materials for PB members.
4/30/13 – Meet with Karen Judge to sign boundary line adjustment application and make a date to meet with PB members about a village-wide parking plan. Talked to architect, Bill Bateman, about requirements for SPR application for a storage addition to the old Country Store building now owned by Larry Smead. Need to send a JIF to the APA as there is an existing APA permit on the property. And an SPR application…Will be on the agenda at the May PB meeting. Issued a blasting permit for Cannon Point foundation work to Cloudsplitter Carpentry.
Building Permit Fees (April 2013): $355.00
Essex County Craftsman (Brick Store) – $240.00
South Farm, LLC (Pataki) – $55.00
Dock Doctors (Ierardi stair to lake) – $60.00
Zoning Permit Fees (April 2013): $50.00
Ken Hughes (Commercial Use) – $50.00
Total Fees: $405.00
Respectfully submitted,
Lauren Murphy
Essex Zoning/Codes Officer