> March 25th, 2013
> Board members present on Roll Call were Councilwoman LaPine, Councilman Wrisley, Councilman Garvey, and Supervisor Boisen. Councilman Macdougal was absent.
> Also Present were David Sayre, Board of Assessor Chair and Pat Gardner, Assessor
> Supervisor Boisen opened the meeting at 5:30pm
> Motion was made by councilwoman LaPine to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing the litigation between the Lewis Family Farm, Inc., and the Town of Essex. Motion was seconded by Councilman Wrisley, and unanimously carried.
> Motion was made to exit executive session and enter back into the special meeting was moved by Councilman Garvey, seconded by councilwoman LaPine, and unanimously carried.
> The Board entered back into the Special Meeting at 6:19pm.
> Resolution #_____
> Motion was made by Councilwoman LaPine to not waive interest or penalties on the Lewis Family Farm properties currently in litigation, parcels 49-32.2.4 and 49-32.2.7. Motion was seconded by Councilman Garvey and passed unanimously.
> Discussion regarding the Ground Water Capital Project took place. Supervisor Boisen advised she is waiting to hear back from one last property owner with regard to access to their property for further testing for water. Additionally, she advised of the urgency to begin the SEQR process for the project in order to prevent losing the $1.1 million grant and $.375 million zero interest loan. If this should occur we would also lose our “hardship” status and would need to reapply. The deadline for completion of the SEQR process is August 2013. Additionally, the current water tower site was discussed as a possible location for HydroSource to perform VLF testing, as we own the property and its proximity to previously determined possible well sites. Supervisor Boisen will begin the necessary SEQR process using the current water tower site ASAP.
> As there was no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:42 PM.
> Respectfully submitted Sharon Boisen, Supervisor
March 25, 2013 Special Town Board Approved Meeting Minutes
March 30, 2013 By